Monday, August 22, 2011

Good became Bad?

It seems like the idea of being a good guy is not longer something that is wanted. It seems like the new thing that is desirable for girls is a jerk. A guy who treats them like something that is second rate.

Ever since I can remember, I've always prided myself on being a good guy. It was the way I was raised. I saw nothing wrong with being a good guy, especially when it came to girls. That was until this summer came along.

This summer I found out that I was not just a good guy, but I was a too good of a guy. Now when I was told that, I took that as an insult. The person that told me that was someone who I cared for deeply and thought - at one point or another - had deep feelings for me. After she told me that and we stopped talking for a little while, I started to think what was too good?

All these thoughts came rushing into my head. Was I too good back in college when the girl I was fooling around with, who at the time had a boyfriend back home, was laying in my bed between classes because she wanted a nap and I didn't get into bed with her. Maybe. But I was getting tired of being the other guy, something that I have been for my past relationships. So I decided to not do anything at that moment. But that doesn't mean nothing else happened later.

Am I too good because I put the girl first? I've always been that way. Whenever I have a girlfriend or someone that I am extremely close with, I try to put them first, help them with what ever they need help with. But I'm also the same way with my close friends, if they needed me, I'd be there. That is just the type of guy I am.

I just understand girls lately. What I don't get, the one who told me that I was too good for her, she rather be with a kid who dumped her via text message in high school, then spread rumours about her and was an asshole to her, she rather be with. She says they broke up for a second time, but yet he doesn't get the hint, or maybe she is just lying.

I tried the whole jerk thing one summer. I fooled around with a girl from high school who wouldn't give me a chance when we were in school, but out of the blue this girl wanted to hang out. So for most of the summer, we fooled around and had a good time. But she was seeing it as something more and I didn't. So I kept going to a little longer, but then it started to eat away at me, that I was becoming a jerk, something I did not like. So I ended it and went back to my good guy self.

Then this whole summer, I thought things were changing, then she says I suffocate her by asking questions, but when she rather be with her so called ex and not me, it makes me wonder. As summer ends, its becoming clear that this girl and her so called ex have a fucked up relationship. If during the summer they gotta be with other people then get back together when the summer ends, it is pretty fucked up.

I always hear girls say where is chivalry, what ever happen to it. I can tell you right now, that chivalry is still alive, in good guys like me, but girls don't want chivalry any more. Girls rather have a guy who is a jerk and treats them like crap than a guy who is good and good to them.


  1. just be yourself dude. Chicks that matter will understand. Chicks that won't, welp, some go with God and some go with drama.

  2. I know exactly what you mean and I've been in your shoes time and again. Supdugs is right. Just be yourself, don't let the broads get to you because if they don't act like adults then they're too damn immature in the first place. just give it time. I've thought the same exact thoughts
